Selection of Indoor Emergency Shelter for Earthquake Disaster Based on the Seismic Fortification Category for Structures
摘要: 区分建筑物的抗震设防类别是进行抗震设计的前提和依据。本文针对当前我国室内地震应急避难场所认定面临的现有建筑的抗震安全性问题,根据不同版本的《建筑工程抗震设防分类标准》和《建筑抗震设计规范》,对现有体育、会展、教育建筑等设计、施工时依据的抗震设防类别、标准、规范进行分析研究,以为室内地震应急避难场所的选择提供参考,从而推动室内地震应急避难场所的认定工作。
- 抗震设防类别 /
- 抗震设计规范 /
- 抗震设防要求 /
- 室内地震应急避难场所 /
- 选择
Abstract: Seismic design depends on the seismic fortification category for structures. Aimed at the current problems of the seismic safety of the available buildings about emergency shelter for earthquake disaster, we analyzed the different versions of the standard for classification of seismic protection of building constructions and the code for seismic design of buildings, and etc. We also studied the seismic fortification category and criterion of sports buildings, exhibition buildings, education buildings designed and constructed at different years. Finally, we proposed some suggestions for selecting the indoor emergency shelter for earthquake disaster. It will be helpful to promote the identification of indoor emergency shelter for earthquake disaster. -
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