Study on Seismic Performance of Smart Mega-sub Isolation System
摘要: 针对巨-子结构隔震体系,在隔震层处或子结构顶部与主结构连接处,施加SMA-压电智能复合阻尼器,从而形成巨-子结构智能隔震体系。本文通过限界Hrovat最优控制算法设计了巨-子结构智能隔震体系的半主动控制器,在此基础上,对巨-子结构智能隔震体系进行了Simulink控制效果仿真分析,同时比较了控制装置安装位置的不同对结构控制效果的影响,并与普通隔震结构的减震效果进行了对比。研究结果表明,智能隔震控制1(隔震层加控制装置)和智能隔震控制2(子结构顶部加控制装置)2种控制方案在控制结构的位移方面效果相差不大。总体而言,智能隔震控制2对于控制子结构单元顶部的绝对加速度效果更为显著,但是相对于普通隔震而言,特别是在控制隔震层位移方面2种方案都具有较好的控制效果。实施智能控制可以有效改善巨-子结构被动控制体系的抗震性能,并能降低隔震结构在遭受强震时由于隔震层出现过大位移导致结构倾覆的危险。
- 巨-子结构隔震体系 /
- SMA-压电智能复合阻尼器 /
- 智能控制 /
- 减震效果
Abstract: In this paper a novel smart mega-sub isolation system is formed, in which a SMA-piezoelectric composite intelligent damper is installed in the isolation layer or between each top substructure and megastructure.The clipped Hrovat algorithm was employed for semi-active controller design. Numerical simulation of different control schemes for the mega-sub isolation system was carried out within the environment of Simulink and compared systematically. Our results show that the smart isolation control 1 (in which the SMA-piezoelectric composite intelligent damper is installed in the isolation layer) can achiev every similar performance to smart isolation control 2 (in which the SMA-piezoelectric composite intelligent damper is installed between each top substructure and megastructure) on the displacement of the structure, and the smart isolation control 2 has the better performance on controlling the absolute acceleration of the top substructure. The two intelligent control schemes have good control effect compared with the passive control strategy, particularly in terms of controlling the displacement of isolation layer. The proposed smart mega-sub isolation system can effectively improve the seismic performance of the mega-sub isolation system, and also can reduce the risk of structure capsize due to the big displacement of isolation layer when the isolated structure was subjected to strong earthquake. -
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