Efficient Search for the Most Possible 3D Slip Surface on the Loess Slope and Its Stability Evaluation
摘要: 本文介绍了作者所开发的一套实用型黄土坡体“三维最危险滑裂面”搜索和稳定性评价软件系统的核心思想,即采用Monte Carlo随机搜索法与遗传算法相结合的优化方法,高效生成一系列接近(或包含)“最危险滑裂面”的三维滑裂面,并以Hungr法所确定的稳定性系数最小为筛选依据,搜索确定任意形态黄土坡体的“三维最危险滑裂面”,进而基于已知的“三维最危险滑裂面”,进一步考虑各种可能的参数变化,进行严密的稳定性分析和评价。Abstract: We introduce the main idea of a software system and developed for searching the most possible 3D slip surface on the loess slope and evaluating the stability of the slope. In the system we use an optimization method, which combined Monte Carlo random search method and genetic algorithm, to simulate a great number of possible 3D slip surfaces of a loess slope efficiently, and then use the stability coefficients determined by Hungr's method as the indicator to pick out the most possible slip surface. Furthermore, based on the most possible slip surface, we can effectively analyze and evaluate the stability of the loess slope by considering the variations of different mechanical parameters of loess.
Key words:
- Loess slope /
- Most possible 3D slip surface /
- Stability evaluation
表 1 皋兰县黄土高边坡土力学参数及稳定性预测结果
Table 1. The soil mechanical parameters of the high loess slope in Gaolan county and the predicted result for its stability
取样环境 土样号 容重ρ/g·cm-3 含水量ω/% 振次N 粘聚力C/kPa 内摩角Φ/° Fs(不同地震系数) 0.1 0.15 0.2 兰州皋兰破坏应变3% L-1 1.45 7.9 10 36.6 22.4 1.66 1.49 20 35.2 21.8 1.3 L-2 1.44 10.63 10 32.6 21.6 1.52 1.36 20 30.0 21.4 1.16 L-3 1.62 17.86 10 22.4 19.2 1.05 0.94 20 21.6 18.7 0.82 L-4 1.72 23.40 10 21.0 17.0 0.92 0.82 20 19.0 16.5 0.69 -
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