Damage Investigation of the Hutubi MS 6.2 Earthquake on December 8, 2016
摘要: 2016年12月8日,新疆呼图壁县发生6.2级地震,造成3人轻伤。地震灾区主要涉及昌吉回族自治州昌吉市、呼图壁县、玛纳斯县等市、县的共25个乡、镇(团场)及呼图壁县城、玛纳斯县城等城市的部分区域,灾区面积12450km2。本文在概述震区地震构造环境及地貌特点的基础上,依据《地震现场工作(第4部分):灾害直接损失评估》等规范,介绍了各结构类型房屋和生命线系统的破坏情况及震区地震地质灾害的类型,分析表明此次地震直接经济损失以土木结构和砖木结构的破坏为主,安居富民工程在地震中起到了关键的减灾作用。
- 呼图壁MS6.2级地震 /
- 灾区面积 /
- 破坏 /
- 安居富民工程
Abstract: The Hutubi MS 6.2 earthquake occurred on December 8, 2016, in Hutubi county of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which caused three injuries. The earthquake effected areas mainly involved 25 townships, towns, plus Hutubi county and Manas county of Changji, Hutubi abd Manas cities. The total effected area is 12, 450 km2. In this paper, we summarize the seismo-tectonic background and geomorphic features of the earthquake zone. Under the guidance of "The Post-earthquake Field Works-Parts 4: Assessment of Direct Loss", we introduce the damages of buildings and lifeline systems with various structural types, and ultimately estimate the direct economic losses to the mud-wood house and the destruction of brick-wood house. Our results indicate that "The Urban and Rural Seismic Safe Buildings Project" has played a key role in reducing the hazard by the earthquake. -
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